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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Educate yourself"- A site educating about natural and alternative therapies

I believe in natural or alternative treatment therapies because I found these systems are more effective, free from long lasting side effets, and cheaper as well.
At this blog you have read the story of a woman who cured herself by using natural healing system. She also believed that allopathic system suppresses the disease symptoms, but for getting cure you have to depend upon your natural immune system or other alternative therapies.

The site I am reviewing provides you a lot of informative articles, resources and useful links about alternative/natural therapies. is a site dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information in the use of natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease conditions.

Editor: Ken Adachi

He says: "I'm trying to give visitors to this web site the idea that they can take care of themselves without depending on the so called 'health' industry, which includes drug companies, the allopathic medical establishment and their pals in the insurance industry. We have the capacity to circumvent much of the intended misery by becoimng FULLY aware of the manipulation and deception being injected into our daily lives. Everything seen in national and international "news" is scripted and planned. There are no surprises. The Illuminati creates conflicts and 'scenarios' in order to introduce their 'solution' to the 'problem', therby implementing their hidden agenda of total control and chainless enslavement of every single person on the planet. The way to undo the New World Order enslavement agenda is through knowledge and honest information. Let's assist each other with that goal in mind."

At another place the editor Ken Adachi describes the purpose of the site:

"The purpose of this web site is help people become self sufficient and self dependent in all matters of health care. The Western World's over-reliance and dependence on orthodox allopathic medicine (conventional physicians who prescribe drugs), pharmaceuticals, and the Standard Western Diet have brought us to a deplorable state of national health. There is no one more interested in maintaining your health, than you. In our opinion, you need to accept the primary responsibility and not delegate it to others. Millions and millions of Americans have suffered (and died) needlessly because of the foolish abandonment of personal health care responsibility into the hands of others.

At this web site, we'll explore both the questions and answers to modern ailments and how you can learn to take care of yourself. Everyone can learn to take control of their own health destiny and put an end to the worry and other desperate emotions engendered by reliance on the so-called ‘health care' system.

A better way to be informed about new entries or news at the site is to submit your e-mail address to get their newsletter.
Link: Click here

Site link: Educate Yourself

To see what kind of articles you can get at the site, I am only giving you few lines and introduction words about an article:

This article is by "Martin Brofman", who was a cancer patient, but he cured himself by natural healing. He says at the start of the article:

"Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Anything can be healed"... (Martin Brofman)

The last lines of the article are:
You have in your consciousness the potential and ability to heal anything, on any level, in yourself as well as in any other Being, since it's all just love and energy. What remains is for you to realize this fully and actualize that potential.

Anything can be healed.
Article link:
Healing and Transformation

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