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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Learn about Health Fraud at "Quack Watch"

As world wide web is a rich source of useful information, tips and guides for health related topics, there are a lot of health fraud sites, which mislead you with the non trusted products and information. It is our right to learn about those fraud sites, products or information, because knowledge is the first step to be aware of those scams. "Quack Watch" is a site helping you learn about these matters.

What is "Quack Watch"?

"Quack Watch" is a member of Consumer Federation of America from 1973 through 2003, and a nonprofit corporation.


To combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct. Its primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.

Their activities include:

- Investigating questionable claims
- Answering inquiries about products and services
- Advising quackery victims
- Distributing reliable publications
- Debunking pseudoscientific claims
- Reporting illegal marketing
- Assisting or generating consumer-protection lawsuits
- Improving the quality of health information on the Internet
- Attacking misleading advertising on the Internet

They maintain 21 additional sites for autism, chiropractic, dentistry, multilevel marketing, and many other hot topics.

Few helpful site from them:
Bioethics Watch' highlights issues of questionable research on humans.

To know more about the sites from "Quack watch": 'Mission'

'Internet Health Pilot' site provides links to hundreds of reliable health sites.

'Casewatch' site contains a large library of legal cases, licensing board actions, government sanctions, and regulatory actions against questionable medical products.

They have advisory board and discussion forum. You can also subscribe to their newsletter for updated news and articles.

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